Life Activation

This is the best place to start

90 minute in-person session

Powerful modality that unlocks a deeper connection to oneself and to one’s greatest potential.

It brings transformational shifts and deep healing, which may be felt immediately and may manifest more subtly over time.

During the session your body is infused with light, which illuminates parts of you that need awakening or acceptance and activates profound transformation and healing.

You also receive energetic alignments and removal of blocks that may exist. You can begin to become your true, balanced, and powerful self on a new level.

By knowing yourself, you see reality more clearly and effect the change that you wish to see — you can more easily and powerfully manifest.

The Life Activation sparks your ability to exercise free will from a place of true empowerment.

The infusion of light that you receive in this session brings incredible positive change and opens you up to better and better things in life. It allows you to step into and create a more authentic and joyful life.

Effects of a Life Activation are personal to you — meeting you where you are at and giving you the remarkable shifts that you need. Effects are also lasting and will continue to evolve over time.

A few common benefits:

  • Boosted confidence

  • Improved mood and mental clarity

  • Emotional healing

  • Flowing abundance in the things you seek and need

  • More-authentic relationships

  • Break through blocks or patterns that no longer serve you

  • Better boundaries

  • Increased intuition

  • Stronger sense of self

Investment: $300

Included is an intuitive reading + a set of two alchemical elixirs to assist with integrating the session.

Recommended before receiving other healings.

Other Sessions

  • Ensofic Reiki

    Both in-person and virtual offered

    60-minute session

    Ensofic Reiki™ is the purest form of reiki. It is the true version that Mikao Usui, the founder of Western reiki, was taught during his search for enlightenment.

    During the session, I serve as a vessel tapping into Life Force Energy and sending it directly into your body. This treatment of positive energy has a cleansing, purifying, and healing effect.

    Commonly-experienced benefits:

    • Quicker recovery from illness or injury

    • Boosted immune system

    • Reduced inflammation and stress

    • Alleviated muscular, joint, and internal pain

    • Improved sleep and dreams

    • Deep relaxation

    • Alignment and balance

    Investment: $175 for a 60-minute session.
    $500 for a discounted package of three.

  • Energy Clearing

    30 minute in-person session

    A powerful energy clearing that eliminates all negative cords or attachments.

    Emotional cords accumulate as you experience relationships, jobs, and all of the dynamics throughout your life.

    These influences pull on your energy, leaving you feeling tired or drained, and causing you to be knocked off your center by the mention of someone or something.

    Clearing these negative bonds does not mean your bond with a person is cleared. It simply cleans up any negative attachments, big or small — allowing refreshed energy to flow. This enables you to have healthier relationships, more energy, and increased stability and peace.

    Session includes:

    • Cord Cutting

    • Negative Energy Removal

    Investment: $250

    Maintenance cord cutting: $150

  • Gemstone and Ancient Rites Healings

    These healings bring profound peace, relaxation, and healing for specific areas of your life.

    Sacred Geometry Gemstone Healing

    An ancient modality that brings deep renewal. It brings healing for specific things that you wish to heal or improve; including: emotions, mind, physical body, relationship with time, and spiritual awareness.

    Up to three can be treated per session.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Investment: $200

    Sacred Geometry Healing Rites

    Focused session to heal old wounds,
    heal new wounds (experienced within the past ~3 months), or to manifest good fortune in your life.

    One focus is treated per session.

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Investment: $200


Enjoy a guided 60-minute Max Meditation™. This session teaches you how to relax the physical, so that the mind can relax, heal, and flow clearly.